Baby Massage 0 to 12 Months | Infant Massage Techniques

The massage is beneficial for your baby because it promotes communication, and enhances the loving and emotional bond of the mother or father with their baby. This physical contact makes the baby feel safe which also promotes general well-being. It increases circulation and stimulates the immune system, therefore it has been shown that babies who receive massage get less sick, and also cry less because it helps with relaxation.

The best time to do it is when your baby has already had their nap, is calm and happy, and at least 30 minutes after having eaten. It is recommended doing the massage in a comfortable and quiet place, and at room temperature so that the baby is comfortable without clothes.

Use gentle strokes on arms from the shoulders to the hand, and on the legs from the hips to the toes. You can do 5 to 10 movements with each body part, depending on how your baby is responding to the massage.

**It is recommended to consult with the Pediatrician if your baby has any condition where massage may be contraindicated, such as a state of inflammation with fever. This content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.